CPU or Central Processing Unit is the main functional unit of the computer. CPU performs all the functions and carries out all tasks whether major or minor on the computer; in short CPU is rightly called the ‘Brain’ of the computer.
Motherboard contains chipset which performs the most basic functions. The chipset consists of the BIOS (Basic Input Output System) and also houses the real time clock which maintains the system’s time. It is the BIOS mounted on the motherboard which is one of the main features which determines the performance of your PC.
To connect external devices motherboard has PCI (Peripheral Component Interconnect) where a user can attach devices like network card, sound card etc.
The circuit of the motherboard provides all the important connections for a system to perform effectively specifically in the case of CPU. Capability of the motherboard decides the amount of RAM and CPU it supports. Some motherboards might be suitable for a 32-bit processor and may not be able to fulfill the requirements of a higher processor. Similarly in the case of RAM make sure while buying the motherboard that if your demand from the PC increases in future then you can increase the RAM of your system at will and your motherboard supports it.
BIOS as already stated, is the one of the key components mounted on the motherboard is responsible for maintaining the operating system, the power supply and the hard disk.
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