Light Emitting Diode (LED) Technology

Light Emitting Diode (LED) Technology

These days, LED computer monitors are easily available for all users. LED monitors stands for Light emitted diode that is created in thin and flat designs. It is considered as a semiconductor  light source, which is used in numerous devices as indicator lamps. In 1962, LED was initiated as an electronic component that emanated red light of low-intensity. However, contemporary versions are enhanced with ultraviolet, infrared and visible wavelengths that have high intensities. When  a light-emanating diode(LED) is frontward partial, electrons are merged again with its holes and hence energy (photons) is released.

History of Light Emitted Diode

In 1927, creation of LED was reported by the Russian scientist Oleg Vladimirovich Losev. His research  was initially circulated in German, British and Russian scientific Journals, but for several decades, this discovery was not used practically.

In 1955, infrared emission was reported by the Rubin Braunstein of the Radio Corporation of America from gallium arsenide (GaAs) and other semiconductor alloys like silicon-germanium (SiGe) alloys and indium phosphide (InP).

Later on, in 1962, Nick Holonyak Jr. developed visible-spectrum LED (red) as a first practical experiment and thus, Holonyak was considered as the "father of the LED".

In 1972, first yellow LED was invented by M.George Craford that has enhanced the brightness of red-orange and red LEDs.

Use of LED

LEDs were commercially used as a surrogate for neon indicator and incandescent lamps, in laboratory, electronics test equipment and in seven-segment displays etc.

Advantages of LED

  • Lesser energy consumption
  • Improved robustness
  • Longer Lifetime
  • Compact size
  • Greater consistency and durability
  • Narrow bandwidth
  • Quicker switching

Disadvantages of LED

  • Quite expensive
  • Requires particular kind of heat and current management

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